Catholic Unapologetics

Catholic Unapologetics

26 - The Hurricane is God's Punishment for MAGA

Oct 2, 2024

This was a quote several "news" sites thought was newsworthy. Apparantly some leftist troll thought it would be funny, I guess. But the irony is it's probably the truth.

If you look around the world. to me it looks like God's wrath is intensifying.

Israel is doing it's best to threaten the middle east with the might of the American military. Tens of thousands have died in Gaza. The IDF has a K/D ratio like the USA had in Vietnam, but instead of killing Chinese Communists, the IDF is killing like 70% women, elderly and children. Now they've moved to Lebanon. Next step is Iran. And I don't know when "Christians" started thinking the Jews somehow got their elect status back, but it's a unanimous sentiment in American politics. Congress approved 1 billion dollars for the iron dome two years ago. And now the Jews are fighting under the same doctrine of war which God commanded them to fight the Canaanites i.e. to kill every last man, woman, and child, and cleanse the land they think they rightfully possess. It's in the old Testament. They just rejected the Christ and lost their inheritance, and more importantly God gave them no such command. To support what the state of Israel is doing in "Self-defense" is to support murder.

Americans won't understand because we think when a group of wicked people are knowingly allowed to crash a couple planes into skyscrapers that's justification enough to invade unconnected countries and force western governments on them. So it's understandable to kill 40,000 in revenge and provoke an all-out regional war. The muslims might not be innocent, but at this point, nobody alive today started the feud. Netanyahu is making sure it doesn't end. If it weren't in bad taste I would say "the muslims have what you could call, an immigrant problem".

The muslims have no abortion, no contraception, no pornography, no immodest women, no lgbt task force, no mandatory 4 covid shots. Israel has all those things, just like the USA. That's why we take their side.

The Ukraine has surpassed half a million casualties. That's like 1 in 30 of the male sex. Every two classrooms in the whole country there's a little jimmy who was shot, a mom who lost a son.

And in Japan an american bomb from WWII detonates in an airport. And if you weren't paying attention, Sr. Sasagawa dies who recieved the threat from the Virgin Mary that our punishment will be "worse than the deluge" unless we repent. And alledgedly the statue of Our Lady of Akita is hidden under a cloth because the nuns of her convent don't like the publicity.

And now that Trump and Vance have told us countless times that they support limited abortion and lots of in vitro executions, fuck 'em both. Pope Francis told us to vote for the lesser of two evils because it's pretty obvious now there is not a good.

I was told recently that catholics never say you go to hell if you commit suicide, so here you go. If you kill yourself, you will go to hell. Because murder is a mortal sin. And you died unrepentant. That's why you can't/couldn't have funeral rites or be buried on sacred ground. While it's technically possible in some instances for a person to repent say, while bleeding out, it would have to be a repentance of perfect contrition meaning you repent for love of God and detached from all sin, whereas confession only requires imperfect contrition i.e. you regret having committed the sin if only out of fear of hell. And it would be absurd to assume perfect contrition when someone dies obstinately in mortal sin, as St. John says "here is a sin to death: for that I say not that any man ask." Of which the translators of the Douay Rheims say:

And St. Augustine setteth down the Church's practice agreeable to the Apostle's meaning. li. 21 c. 14 de Civit. Dei. If there by any (saith he) that persist till death in impenitence of heart, doth the Church now pray for them, that is, for the souls of them that so are departed? So saith he. And this is the cause, that Concilium Bracharense primum cap. 34 forbiddeth to pray for such as die in desperation, or kill themselves: and the reason, why the Church forbeareth to pray for Heretics that die in their heresy, or maintain heresy unto death and by their death.

And to try to make excuses like mitigating factors making the sin not mortal is coping. Mental illness is a bullshit excuse unless your mental illness is the equivalent of unintentionally tripping on acid while flying an airplane and you "kill yourself" without intending it. No one has the excuse that "They didn't know it was wrong" It's natural law written on your hearts. You don't see animals suiciding. It's not like going to mass on holy days of obligation. And Samson didn't kill himself. He killed a bunch of bad guys and went down with the ship so to speak, double effect. A figure of laying down one's life for one's friends. It's also different if you're Clintoncided, but that's a given. Just saying you can't necessarily believe the news report. But kid yourself all you want it's your eternal life or eternal death at stake.