Catholic Unapologetics
Catholic Unapologetics
20 - Trump's VP
June 11, 2024
Recently I was reading about Trump's potential vp picks and I had some thoughts for you. He was someone nobody could trust in 2016. He had a history of moral degeneracy, but he was telling everyone he had changed and it didn't really matter because we all voted for him because God forbid Hillary Clinton becomes commander-in-chief.
But then he actually did a pretty decent job. Surprisingly good. Especially considering how the agencies of the federal government actively undermined everything he was trying to do. And if he failed miserably in appointing anyone he could trust, at least his supreme court nominations weren't terrible. So in 2020 I strongly supported him. People would always be so hypocritical about Trump, always saying I don't agree with everything he does, but he's the better of two evils, essentially. Trump wasn't on the same plane of evil as the other side. Nobody criticizes any of the democrats for advocating child murder, but they have the gumption to say Trump says mean things! When Trump was in office, WWIII was a fantasy. With sweet ol' Joe, it's a reality.
If Trump says mean things, it's because he is surrounded by people who deserve mean things said to them. Find me one of those so-called conservative critics who balance their criticism fairly. Really they just spout the same propoganda the other side does as some disgusting virtue signal. As an excuse not to rail behind and pray for the only man God has given the power to right this ship. Trump had said some really outstanding things. For example he said, "People tell me, Donald, your the most famous man in the world. I said no, no I'm not. That's Jesus Christ". Call it false humility if you will, but show me Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden or Barack Obama coming close to a statement like that.
Could a better man have been president? Sure theoretically. But there was no better man running. Maybe some of them had better ideas than Trump, but none of them would have had the fight of Trump or the balls to do what needed done. And in the end, Trump didn't either. The elections were rigged. He knew it and more importantly the American people knew it and he allowed it to happen. And the result of this cowardice is the forfeiture of the last good hill we had to stand on. Could he have done anything about it? He could have done more. He could have died for the country which a king must be willing to do. And he did not.
He will not get a second chance. At this point the 2024 election is as good as over, and all Trump is doing now is trying to rectify his pride knowing what happened. Now that he has said overturning Roe v. Wade was a mistake. Now that he has surrendered. Now that even if by some miracle he were placed back on the throne, all he would do is kick the can down the road 4 more years. Now it's fair not to support him. But not then.
So then what? It's over just like that? You're going to give up? Not vote? Sort of. We aren't voting our way out of this that's for sure. Really all you are doing by voting is legitimizing the illegitimate. You're saying "but how's it going to hurt?" Fuck. they say the same thing about palm reading.
Remember though, voting was never the primary way of getting a better government. Democracy was never a really good idea. Prayer is the primary way. Prayer and fasting. God enslaved the Jews, his chosen people to the Babylonians for their sins. And he released them in his mercy. Read the letter of king Cyrus:
Thus saith Cyrus king of the Persians: all the kingdoms of the earth hath the Lord the God of heaven given me, & he hath commanded me that I should build him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Jewry.
If you want a better government, make yourself worthy of a better government. But if you give in to all your passions, God will enslave your physical body too. Nothing is impossible for God. But trusting in man is leaning on a splintered rod.
Now coming back to Trump's VP picks, I hear men talking about how they would love such-and-such conservative woman to get the job. You have lost your minds! Women do not belong in positions of political authority. It reminds me of Isaish 3 "My people their exactors have spoiled, & women have ruled over them." and in another place "And I will give children to be their princes, and the effeminate shall rule over them." The holy Spirit derides such an idea. Having the body lead the head - it's against nature.
But it makes a lot of sense, these people saying these things. They have no concept of whats ordered and what's disordered. Thats why you see their women, their daughters serving at the altar, reading from the ambo, distributing holy Communion. I'm sure they've been told what St. Paul says, "Let your women keep silent in your churches" but they don't care what St. Paul says.
It's not fair women can't be priests. Then tell it to God! It's his rule. But the only reason you call yourself Christian is because you want God to serve you.
Have you not considered how the Blessed Virgin hardly spoke anything in all of scriptures? The only mere human to have never sinned, yet she didn't teach publicly or leave behind writings of her wisdom, not because she didn't possess it, she possessed wisdom himself, but because it wasn't her place. And even now that she's crowned queen of heaven and earth, see with what meekness she rules.
I can't help but think there are certain people within the church who feign honor to the Blessed Virgin not out of true love of her, but out of love of the idea of worshipping God as a woman. This is a blasphemy utterly repulsive to her. The merits of your prayers would be lost for that one idea. If you prayed to her even weakly, with good intentions, she would not abandon you, but you aren't praying to her, you're praying to Astarte and abusing our Lady's good name.
St Vianney says "Go to confession to the Blessed Virgin or to an angel; will they absolve you? No." Only a priest can do that. A woman cannot do everything a man can do.
It's no wonder then, how screwed up society is for men not teaching their women their place. What father among us guards the modesty of his daughters? Who tells his wife to stay at home and raise the kids? You wonder why your women are worldly? You told them to seek careers. You told them to go to college and party. And what do they do but do what you say.
Do you dare say women shouldn't vote? No you cowards are more women than they are. You should be looking after their interests so that their vote wouldn't matter.
If you actually cared about them you would do these things. But you tell them what you think they want to hear so you can have cheap sex, and save yourself the hassle.