Catholic Unapologetics

Catholic Unapologetics

18 - You're only gay if you choose to be

May 27, 2024

It's a disservice to the faithful to define someone by a temptation

According to a recent cnn poll, the number of gen z people identifying as gay has now risen to 28%. And I know it's not fair to take any poll as an accurate representation of broader society because it takes a special character to answer one, but 28%... damn! That's a number so big you can't really fathom it, like the abortion rate.

If you pull up that poll, you'll see about half of them said they were bisexual, and it's almost as if society accepts being bi better. You're only going to a little hell. It's like having a little aids. We act as if having any heterosexual attraction makes them better when what it really means is they could be perfectly straight if they wanted but choose to be gay as if its a valid option. The men of Sodom fit that description. That should be a very stark warning, but this generation pays no heed.

Our Lady told the children at Fatima, that the sin that causes the most souls to go to hell are the sins of the flesh i.e. Sexual impurity. And it's not hard to see why. More than 90% of men watch pornography. The same number use birth control. How many Catholics live in the sin of fornication before marriage!

Lots of people will make fun of King David when they hear the story of the wife of Urias. For one they have no reverence of the scriptures, and secondly, they consider themselves immune to grave sins, not considering the words of Our Lord who said, "if you even look upon a woman with lust you commmit adultery with her in your heart."

Let's be clear - you can and will be damned for only sins of thought. "If your eye causes you to sin... For it is better to go to heaven without an eye...." Adultery in the heart is a mortal sin. Homosexuality in the heart, even greater.

St. Anthony Claret in his Straight and Sure Path says that women are principally damned for four kinds of sins, the first being impurity - (the rest being vanity, witchcraft and hiding sins in confession).

The point I'm making here is: It's a problem. A serious proplem

There is no use pretending that the stakes aren't high. "It's not like it's a matter of life or death". No... No... It's a matter of eternal life or death. The choices you make, the sins you tolerate, the scandal, every smallest occasion you give to cause one of these little ones to sin... you will answer for it all. And you will pay the very last cent.

Does that not cause you to tremble? You are raising kids in Sodom and you can sleep at night thinking the exterior sins will not break down your door and ravage your daughters. You are in the world but are not of the world. But you embrace the world. Shame of Christendom. It would be better if a millstone were tied around your neck and you were cast in the sea.

They will say I'm being cruel - saying everyone will go to hell. Don't you know Jesus ate with prostitutes and sinners.

If I say anything other than what the Church has taught me then condemn me. But I'm only repeating Her catechism. If you die with the smallest mortal sin on your soul, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. "Jesus ate with prostitutes and sinners"! Don't you realize you are the prostitutes and you are the sinners in that story!

Yes, love your enemies. Yes pray for them. But it is not love to accept people as they are if as they are is an abomination. St. Anthony Claret talks about this when speaking about letting people die without the sacraments.

"You tell me that you don’t do it, not for lack of charity but because the same love that you profess for him detains you and does not let you intimate him this news, and you fear he will be frightened. Keep silent, don’t tell me that, because your charity is cruelty....Would it be said that it is love to let a relative fall into hell, when he could be ensured heaven by way of the holy Sacraments?"

Would it be said that it is love to let a friend fall into hell when you could have shown him the gravity of his offense by refusing to tolerate it? Yet you lie to him by tolerating it leading him to believe that God too will accept it.

You will hear sometimes people quote Wisdom as proof that God would want you to accept people and not "hate" anyone.

"For thou lovest all things that are, and hatest nothing of those which thou hast made: for thou didst not ordain, or make any thing hating it."

But 4 lines later in the same book it reads

"For, those old inhabitants of thy holy land, whom thou didst abhor, because they did works odious to thee by sorceries, and unjust sacrifices, and the murderers of their own children without mercy, and eaters of mens bowels, and devourers of blood from the midst of thy sacrament, and the parents authors of aidless souls, thou wouldst destroy by the hands of our parents...."

If by "hate" you mean wishing eternal evil upon them, you would be right it is wrong to hate someone who can repent. But if by "hate" you mean, as is the origin of our word in English, "to treat as an enemy", well, Christ says love thy "enemies". Therefore He does not forbid treating someone as such.

John Paul II says hatred is not the opposite of love. Hence you can love someone you hate. He says using someone is the opposite of love. And judge for yourselves, are you using them by saying "This is unacceptable. I will not tolerate it", or are you using someone by letting them remain in mortal sin so you can feel good about not "hating" anyone

You cannot be both gay and Catholic

Part of the problem is we make the sin of homosexuality a permanent aspect of one's character. People say they are gay in the same way they say they are black or american, as if it's something inherent about how they are made. God did not make anyone gay, because he did not "make anything hating it."

But that is not to say that everyone with temptation to be gay chose to have the temptation. Temptation does not always work that way. Surely some of the temptation and I'd wager the vast majority of the temptation comes strictly from "environmental factors". If your parents expose you to sexual sins, you will be tempted by them more than the one whose parents diligently protected him. Prayer works. If your parents don't pray for you, you will experience more temptation.

Now we all know temptation itself is not sin. So why do we let temptation, which comes and goes define us. No one says a man who is tempted to be lazy but who never or seldom gives in to the temptation is a lazy man. No one says the man tempted to lust but who never gives in is an adulterer of the heart. No one says a murderous thought makes one a murderer. But everyone says a temptation to be gay makes one gay.

And in a sense there is a reason to this. The reason being that homosexuality is a greater disorder than the other sins mentioned. There is a time to rest, just not all the time. There is a time to look on a woman with desire, but not every woman. There is a just reason to kill but not every reason is just. But there is never a reason to be gay.

It's a sin that's an extra step removed from the good way. But a temptation should still be treated as such.

Do not think that it is incurable

There was a kind of famous psychologist named Albert Ellis who wrote a book in the 1960s title Homosexuality: Its Causes and Cure. You see it wasn't that long ago that the population thought that this disorder was curable, like all effects of sin, by the grace of God. But in the 1970's the American Psychiatric Association decided homosexuality was not a disorder and therefore not subject to a cure, and this idea has permeated our culture - This is how God made them and they'll be this way until they die.

Now in the book, Ellis, an atheist, argued that homosexuality was curable but that it wasn't worth it because he didn't believe there was a point without religion. He talks about his methods and he had understandably low success because he tried to conquer sin with more sin.

He would have his patients view heterosexual pornography and other horrendous evils like that. But even with all this he knew it was curable.

With that in mind saying to yourself, "I am gay" is giving up. It's accepting the sin. Why should God free you from a disorder you won't even try to escape from. Reject the evil thoughts. Pray for freedom from them. Don't pile on your soul more sins of impurity expecting to reverse the course of a disorder through "natural" means. Your only hope is God. Deprive yourself of certain foods and mortify your flesh

Confess your sins and seek the sacrament and pray the rosary and don't become a priest. The priesthood was never intended for men who wouldn't have a wife, but for men who would give up a wife to follow Christ. The sex abuse cases in recent times are a direct result of homosexuals becoming priests because the Church says they have to be celibate anyway.

It is a hard cross, but the greater the toil, the greater the glory. Pick yourself up and follow Christ and He will only accuse you of being gay if you choose to be.